Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No such thing as bad publicity...

He just couldn't cope with it, could he?

I'm talking about the Beloved Leader of course, His Holiness Alex Salmond. He couldn't cope with the fact that Wendy was getting all the press coverage (even if it was negative!) so sat and thought of something to get the spotlight back on himself. Hmm, what would be successful in this aim - new policy? (As if!) A bold political masterstroke? Streaking at the next football match televised to the Scottish nation?

Thankfully, the last horrific option was rejected at the last minute, and instead he went for a nice cosy lunch with that well known philanthropist, Donald Trump. Happily they sat in a cosy little hotel (I've always wondered who pays for things in that kind of situation - might be kinda awkward when the bill arrives!) and chatted about the world.

Now, Alex Salmond did nothing illegal in his meeting with Trump - he is the Constituency MSP and it is an important matter. However, he is also the First Minister of Scotland and scant hours after his chat the matter was called into Holyrood by his Government.

Of course, he had nothing to do with it and in fact was able to claim with a relatively straight face that "I know nutting." Wee Eck is a canny enough politician to know that it didn't matter in the situation, as the perception the public would be rightly able to take from this is that Salmond is on the side of the wealthy like Trump, and his talk of social democracy and devolution of power to the local level is as empty as the National Conversation that he is having with himself.

We are at the situation now where the convener of the committee who cast the deciding vote is facing strong pressure to be replaced, where the decision of the committee has been effectively ignored (I know, the Govt may uphold the decision, particularly if pressure is applied to them, however I am not going to hold my breath) and the continuing centralisation of all power in Salmond's ample bosum continues at breakneck speed.

But then, is this hugely surprising from a party launched into power by the financial weight of Brian Soutar?

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