Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I was reading an interesting post on the Newsnight site about the role of age in politics. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/newsnight/2008/01/a_question_of_age_1.html) It points out that the consideration of John McCain as a viable candidate for the US Presidency is something that would not be replicated in the UK, with the current obsession with 'yoof.'

It got me thinking. It is daft that older members of society feel excluded from contributing to our politics. Ming Campbell shouldn't have been forced out of his position due to his age - our politicians and leaders should be elected on the basis of their competency and ideas rather than how long they have been around.

However, whilst older members of society should be encouraged to contribute, so should younger members. The article discusses the fact that the party leaders are all young, and comments underneath bemoan the fact that young people are getting into positions of authority when they have no life experience.

Firstly, I'm 26 and I can tell you that 40+ is not young! Heck, to someone in their teens I'm an old fogey! Secondly, to have a representative democracy, we require elected members of all strands of our community - young, old, white, black, male and female. In my work, I talk to young people who are not involved in politics, and am frequently told that they are not interested because it is something for old people. Looking at the make-up of our elected representatives, there are very few younger people able to represent that age group and able to bring their concerns to the attention of the elected bodies.

All our citizens should be free and encouraged to participate. We should not presume that older age guarantees experience, whilst being young precludes it. Everyone has skills and experiences to contribute, and should be encouraged in this. Likewise, it shouldn't be presumed that older people lack an energy and commitment to do the job they are elected for.

To create a vibrant democracy, we require the participation of all its members. Young, old and middle-aged, we all have something to offer.

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